Comments on: Assessing trust in the interview process to preserve your company culture /research-center/talent-management/hiring-recruitment-sourcing/20170911-assessing-trust-interview-process-preserve-company-culture/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=20170911-assessing-trust-interview-process-preserve-company-culture Resource for Business Leadership, Coaching, and CEOs Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:06:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barry Deutsch /research-center/talent-management/hiring-recruitment-sourcing/20170911-assessing-trust-interview-process-preserve-company-culture/#comment-2074455 Sat, 07 Oct 2017 17:49:45 +0000 /research-center/?p=22289#comment-2074455 Judith, all good points to bring to the interview. We’re assuming of course that your questions are based on a foundation of the company/hiring manager has a done a great job defining the outcomes and results desired, and that there is an agreed upon definition of the company culture, vision, mission, purpose, and values. Sometimes, I find we’ve got to step back and develop these basic underlying assumptions, foundations, and criteria before advancing to more sophisticated interviewing. Great article – love the Conversational Intelligence idea. Outstanding book.
